Youth Friendsgiving
Youth will prepare and deliver meals for the Shut-Ins. Great ministry event (and food!) for youth and our church family that aren’t able to get out.
Youth will prepare and deliver meals for the Shut-Ins. Great ministry event (and food!) for youth and our church family that aren’t able to get out.
Harvest Festival
Children from Kindergarten – 5th grade
Some of the fun activities are a Hay Maze, Scavenger Hunt, Potato Sack Race and many more fun things.
Will be serving soup and grilled cheese sandwiches as well.
Pro Angler OTT DEFOE will be our guest speaker on “Fishing and FAITH.” Plan to join us for this message of faith.
Senior Fellowship Meal.
Seniors will gather at 11am in the fellowship hall for a Beans and Cornbread luncheon and all the good fixins!
Fun event for all who participate! Lots of candy for the children and good fellowship for all!
Fun begins at 5:30 pm!
Held at Mount Carmel Baptist Church with guest Pastor, Chris Pass, delivering the message.
Plan to join us! You will receive a spiritual blessing as we worship our Lord Jesus Christ together.
Pumpkin Painting
Children from Kindergarten – 5th grade
Join us for this fun creative time and enjoy a Chili and Frito dinner with us.
Pastor Appreciation Sunday followed by Pot Luck Dinner in fellowship hall. Join us for singing and Gospel Service as we honor Pastor Scott. Bring a covered dish to share and stay for the good food and fellowship!
No evening service.
Senior Picnic will be held at Shorty’s Lake. BBQ will be served at 11:00 am.
A good time had by all who attend. Join us!
Children grades K-5 will have a MOVIE NIGHT 7:30 – 9:30 with POPCORN & CANDY!
YOUTH to assist with Childrens Movie Night then have a CAMP OUT at church!