Christmas Caroling
Youth & Churchwide Christmas Caroling: The Youth will gather to go Caroling at 6:00pm and return to Church by 8:00pm. Church members are invited to join them as they share the spirit of Christmas.
Youth & Churchwide Christmas Caroling: The Youth will gather to go Caroling at 6:00pm and return to Church by 8:00pm. Church members are invited to join them as they share the spirit of Christmas.
We will have a Christmas Program as part of our Worship Service. Followed by a Pot-Luck Dinner. Come join us for worship and time of fellowship.
Joint Thanksgiving Service with Maple Grove Baptist Church, Kagleys Chapel Baptist Church, Friendship Baptist Church will be held at Mount Carmel Baptist Church. Service will begin at 7:00. Allen Birchfield, Pastor of Maple Grove Baptist Church presiding.
Youth will be selling homemade desserts before and after morning services. This is a fund raiser for their winter programs.
TRUNK OR TREAT!!! Join us for evening of fun and LOTS of CANDY!
Youth will be teaching classes and leading parts of our worship service. Come worship with us as we support our youth.
Worship service followed by Pot-Luck dinner honoring Pastor Scott Linginfelter.
Homecoming, celebrating 75 years. Special Service followed by Pot-Luck Dinner and then a Field Day event at Camp Tipton.
No evening services.
Your invited to an evening of sisterly fellowship and fun!!!This is a Ladies-only event, and it is for ALL Ladies!
Please bring a dish to share. Fellowship hall at 6pm.